Author Archives: Wyrmy

Tales from the Smoking Wyrm Issue #2 now available!

Tales from the Smoking Wyrm, a DCC fanzine, returns with a second issue of hand-crafted articles, comics, and puzzles for DCC fans of all ages!
The Wyrm is big fan of gaming zines of all stripes, and we hope to bring you the same high quality content for a DCC audience! Our second issue contains 7 features, usable by players and judges alike! Read more

Patrons: King of Beasts

Following on the heels (flippers?) of Cthulhu’s appearance as a patron in issue #1, Tales from the Smoking Wyrm issue #2 brings you another patron: The King of Beasts!

The King of Beasts is at once a noble lion and a nimble hare, a fearsome serpent and a flighty crow. He watches over all animals of flesh and bone that

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Shoggoths: Oozing their way into your hearts and minds

the nightmare plastic column of foetid black iridescence oozed tightly onward through its fifteen-foot sinus; gathering unholy speed and driving before it a spiral, re-thickening cloud of the pallid abyss-vapour. It was a terrible, indescribable thing vaster than any subway train—a shapeless congeries of protoplasmic bubbles, faintly self-luminous, and with myriads of temporary eyes forming and unforming as pustules

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Rites & Rituals, part 2: Churchbound Rituals

In issue #1 of Tales from the Smoking Wyrm, our Rites & Rituals article provided a few ways in which your players could use rituals to build specialized magic items in the form of phylacteries to portion off your soul, and dowsing rods to help find magical sources of power.

In issue #2, we will delve into rituals that

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