Category: Issue #1

Tales from the Smoking Wyrm Issue #1 now available!

Welcome to the first issue of Tales from the Smoking Wyrm, a DCC fanzine drawing from the history of zines!
The Wyrm is big fan of gaming zines of all stripes, and we hope to bring you the same high quality content for a DCC audience! Our first issue contains 8 features, usable by players and judges alike! Read more

Cullpepper’s Herbal: A new way to see the world around you

In a corner of the Smoking Wyrm is where Willhomeena Cullpepper holds shop. She sits there most afternoons, sorting her herbs, drying them, tying them in bunches, and ultimately selling them to hapless adventurers who need that extra punch to keep them going when the road gets tough. Need a poison? Need a cure? Willhomeena is who you want to

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The Ritual is the thing…

Dungeon Crawl Classics has a distinctively built-out spell casting ruleset. But spells as wizards and clerics “normally” cast them are not the only way that magic works in the world of DCC—we are outright told that there are more powerful magics in the world: rites and rituals.

While the core rulebook describes various conditions that might apply to an

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Ever since I was a young boy I’ve played the silver ball…

“The horror! I remember the feeling as it passed over me—infinite cold, my appendages splayed out in all directions—then nothing! The next thing I knew I was standing outside the brothel my party had chosen to take up residence in—three weeks later!”
 — Antonious the Scribe

Many an adventurer has run afoul of the mysterious Silver Ball, often when they

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Patrons: Cthulhu

Cthulhu—Great Old One, The Sleeper of R’lyeh, The Great Dreamer—all names which can inspire dread in the most seasoned adventurer and/or role-playing gamer. His awakening is preceded by madness, and followed by the destruction of life as we know it—and he’s now available to you as a PATRON!!!

Cthulhu as a subject for exploration in gaming dates back to the

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